User Experience and Customer Experience as a Solution for Gaining Competitive Advantages of the Company
user experience, customer experience, technical characteristics, functional characteristics, user satisfactionAbstract
The user experience becomes a very important factor when companies want to be better than competition
and keep customer loyalty. This paper analyzes the relation between the User Experience (UX) and the Customer
Experience (CX) in terms of the impact they have on the overall satisfaction of users. This study aims to determine
which of the two experiences is more relevant and has more impact on the user’s satisfaction with the company. UX
and CX are very similar concepts, but the terms are not interchangeable. Every company has the task of satisfying the
needs of the users and providing more than user expectations. The purpose of this paper is to show how and how much
UX affects the CX, and inversely. This study analyze their significance to exploit the user experience for receive
competitive advantages.