Staffing - recruitment and selection practices in chosen countries worldwide. Examination of national culture's influence on it


  • Dragana Kijački Faculty of Economics in Subotica, PhD student



staffing recruitment selection MCNs national culture


For companies operating in the 21st century, whose only permanent features are changes, one of the biggest challenges is providing sufficient employees. Despite the fact, that companies are financially powerful and have modern technologies, the workforce is still the prime factor in the process of making success. Finding and choosing individuals, who are motivated to work towards the company's goals and ready to identify themselves with the company, is a difficult task that depends on numerous factors. The accelerated pace of the globalization process has created a unique, international labor market. The aim of this paper is to present features of the recruitment and selection process in companies from different countries, especially the staffing practices in multinational companies used in recruiting and selecting candidates for performing assignments in their branch offices. For chosen countries (Eastern and Western European countries, Scandinavian countries, Russia, Arabian countries, Asian countries etc.) in the paper will be present dimensions of national culture according to Hofstede's classification: distance from power, risk avoidance, individualism vs collectivism, male vs female values, long-term vs short-term orientation, indulgent vs restraint cultures. The paper analyzes the impact of the dimensions of the national cultures on the practices applied during the employment process in chosen countries, and may be used as a base for future research in this field.



How to Cite

Kijački, D. (2023). Staffing - recruitment and selection practices in chosen countries worldwide. Examination of national culture’s influence on it. International Scientific Conference Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management, 79-90.